Minor Ailment Clinic
Get a prescription for minor conditions, such as pink eye, eczema, UTIs, pain and more.
How compounding can help you.
Compounding is a technique used to adapt or change your drugs in order to best fit your medical and personal needs. Compounding is fundamental to the profession of pharmacy and was a standard means of providing prescription medications before drugs became mass-produced by the pharmaceutical industry.
Can prevent allergic reactions
If you need a medication but are allergic to some of the ingredients our compounding pharmacists can possibly remove the ingredient to help make the medication you need safe for you.
Unique to you
With compounding we can create a medication that is modified for you by combining two or more medications, removing ingredients or changing the form the medication is in to give you a treatment that is unique to your individual needs.
Same medication, different form
If you have issues taking a certain medication due to the form the medication is originally provided in we can try to change it to something more suitable for you. For example have a hard time swallowing pills or do not like the taste of liquid medicines we might be able to convert them.
Unique Dosages
With compounding we can create a unique dosage so if the medication you require does not come in the dosage you need we can change the dosage for you so you don't have to measure or break pills in half to try and get what you need.

Do you take several medications and find it difficult to keep track of when and how to take them? We can prepare your pills in weekly blister packs to eliminate confusion and help you get the most out of your medications.